Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Concepts Reflection & Research Project

Concept #2 Your audience's use of communication

“Many effective email practices depend on understanding how the audience for your messages will use the information you are sending them., or more precisely, how you wish them to use it. (‘Use’ here includes many different things).” (Allen et al. n.d.)

About half a million
Australian have been joining Facebook, and this is not the latest registered figure because Facebook is getting more people to join in everyday and getting more popularity around the world this day. People log on to Facebook all the time, people have use it to improve their communication skill, to build connection and social life through Facebook all over the world. Facebook not just only targeting teenagers and students, it is actually for almost everyone who loves to access social networking website.

According to the survey nearly one in four companies are banning their employee to visit social networking website like Facebook and MySpace, but there are many more like Twitter and others have not mentioned. People who have been accessing to Facebook are usually 35 years old and above during their working hours in
America and it keep growing daily. Some of the company has warned their employee that accessing to Facebook during working hours will get fire. The survey from employment law firm Peninsula said that employee cost British company 130 million pound a day, and they have spend 233 million hours a month on social networking site. It also said 25 percent of British people generally have spend around 5.3 hours a month on Facebook

Therefore, many companies are banning their employee to access social networking website during their working hours. There is no doubt that some staffs are using Facebook during working hours for non-work purposes, even company’s policy said no visiting Facebook and I am pretty sure some of them will be cheating and still visit Facebook. It is understand that why company have to ban their employee to visit Facebook, they should not do that during working hours, because company pay them to work not to browsing Facebook and it also wasting company’s resources. The employer also concern about their employee may be mistaken or purposely to expose their company secret information to their friends in social networking site like Facebook. They also concern about the productivity of their employee if they visiting social networking sites during their working hours (extra demand on bandwidth, slow down corporate networks). In fact, it is quite likely that some of them are wrongly use of the privilege to some extent and spending lot of time on Facebook. However, that should be clear in their work like setting a clear guideline. If they are not getting work done, then it becomes an issue. If they are getting their work done and this is what the employer employ them for.

There are so many of the social networking sites, Facebook it just only one of them and there will be more to come, therefore some of the company try to avoid having a problems with the employees so that these company allow their employees access to Facebook for personal use during their break, and these companies has make sure all the employees are clear and follow company’s
web policy what should and what shouldn’t do during working hours for accessing to Facebook, I guess this may be the win win situation for both side so far.

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Site 1:
Firing off... social networking - should employers ban Facebook?

Work Clinic blog, where a blog that let employee post their comments, debate or discuss of their personal opinions from work and also about banning Facebook.

Some people said they should set a clear guideline of acceptable and unacceptable website for employee during their stay in the office. An advice or warning to convey for whom still doing it, it may create a bad relationship in between employees and employer to ban Facebook, because employees feel lacking of trusts. Internet psychologist Graham Jones said if you banning employees for visiting their favourite sites will be like cutting their body part.
(100 words)

Firing off... social networking - should employers ban Facebook? (2007). Personnel Today, 68. Retrieved July 17, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Site 2:
Employers Ban Facebook, MySpace Millenials May Have to Deal with No Social Networking at Work

The group of baby boomers and older GenX compare with new generation have quite a different point of view about the computer usage. The baby boomers and older GenX think that to make sure to keep good quality of the work they must control of computer usage, which new generation think that new technology will help them to improve their working ability. Therefore it is very hard to define who is right and who is wrong, it is all depend on people’s point of view. According to the survey young workers thinking of quit their job if banning them to visit social networking sites.
(104 words)

Hildebrand, D. (2008). Employers Ban Facebook, MySpace Millenials May Have to Deal with No Social Networking at Work. Retrieved July 17, 2009, from http://human-resources-management.suite101.com/article.cfm/employers_ban_facebook_myspace


Allen, M., et al. (n.d.).
Concept #2 Your audience's use of communication. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved July 17, 2009, from http://lms.curtin.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_18825_1&content_id=_985239_1

Barber, B. (2007). Face up to facts. Accountancy Age, 12. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Breen, S. (2007).
Talking 'bout my generation . . The Courier – Mail, 22. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Brodkin, J. (2008). One in four firms block Facebook. Network World 25(28), 20. Retrieved July 18, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

O’Loan, J. (2007).
Face-off over Facebook - Businesses ban workers' site access. The Courier – Mail, 4. Retrieved July 18, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Simpson, P. (2008).
Benefit from the Facebook phenomenon. MicroScope, 14. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

VERTICAL MARKETS: Networking for business. (2008). Precision Marketing, 19. Retrieved July 18, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Concept #7 Netiquette

"Good communication practice on the Internet is not something one 'learns', but something one 'practices' so as to teach others, less familiar than yourself, how it is done." (Allen et al. n.d.)

Bullying no longer just doing it on
face-to-face or behind people’s back, now it went to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is very different compare to face-to-face, because no one will know who they are; they will use fake profile to register so that their identity and bully remain hidden and it is difficult to trace, because of this reason it help and encourage them to bullies more than doing it on face-to-face.

Nowadays people use, chat room, mobile phone, SMS, email etc to attack, pressure or threaten and they are actually intentionally doing it to someone. It is also very easy to bully in cyberspace than to bully face-to-face, with cyber bullying you can pick on anyone, anytime and anywhere you like with less risk of being caught by people. Therefore it makes cyber bullying the new weapon to harass people and convenient way to do it.

Internet, SMS, mobile etc. they are very important social and communication tool for teenagers nowadays, they can’t live without it, and they can spend very long time on chat room, SMS during study or even dinner time, I am pretty sure you have seen this before.

They send mean and cruel messages to the people they intent to bully; they also send the bullies’ video on internet they have record from mobile to show it to the world. According to the research and study said most of them are teenagers and students, they access to the latest technologies, they bullied their
classmate or have been bullied by them, either from computer, mobile phone or any other electronic device. It also said that bullying remains popular especially in middle school. It is not just cyber bullying it also including verbal bullying and physical bullying.

Here are some of the examples to show that what actually is cyber bullying.

  • A student attacking by unidentified person over the emails, this student has no idea who the person and wondering who and why sending the message to him/her and they feel like everyone is against them at school.
  • A student getting some strange email messages from some people they don’t know. These messages are vulgar, bad, harsh and etc because someone has use the student’s real identities and photo to posted on some social networking

Professor Donna Cross from Edith Cowan University said kids being cyber bullying most likely will suffer from depression, anxiety and affected their self-esteem. Some of them commit suicide because of the cyber bullying and it is getting more and more this day because of they can’t handle the pressure and mental torture. Even though no mobile for them, remove computer from their bedrooms, limited time for them to visit some social networking sites, switching off the computer or ask them to block or delete or even not respond to it etc. will not solve the problems and not help to stop it and not even a good idea to do it. Rumour really hurt them; when rumour spread around the teenagers feel seriously ruin their reputation and their popularity, and they also said that adult do not usually trust them and do not really care about the cyber bullying.

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Site 1:
When teens turn cyberbullies

Cyber bullying are using electronic media to harass, threaten or attacking people, they are involving email, chat rooms, sms, mobile and many others communication tools. The people who did that usually hiding their real identify and they can be physically weaken then the people they try to bully. They also don’t feel upset or guilty because they never face-to-face contact with them. Cyber bullying usually are very hard to trace, therefore they can getaway blame for their bad action and being caught and punished. Jealousy is one of the common motivations for cyber bullying. Teachers are also the bullied target at school, it wasn’t just the students only.

Strom, P. S., and Strom, R. D. (2005). When teens turn cyberbullies. The Education Digest 71(4), 35. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Site 2:
Cyber bullying information

The definition of the cyber bullying is using the latest communication technologies to frighten, disturb, humiliate or bully. It is all about power; it is all about the misconduct of the power. The technology is not the main problem; the problem is we let the teenagers to do what they want to do and because of this cyber bullying is the fastest increasing bullying. The sign of cyber bullying are taking longer hours on the computer; stomach-ache; no appetite; close the windows when in the room; afraid; behind the school homework and hiding for internet activity.

Stutzky, G. (n.d.).
Cyber bullying information. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from http://www.ippsr.msu.edu/Documents/Forums/2006_Mar_CYBER_BULLYING_INFORMATION_2006%20--%20Provided%20by%20Mr.%20Glenn%20Stutzky.pdf


Allen, M., et al. (n.d.).
Concept #7 Netiquette. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from http://lms.curtin.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_18825_1&content_id=_985239_1

Cyberbullying. (2007). Retrieved July 20, 2009, from http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci1023061,00.html

Edwards, J. (2008).
Watch for online bullying, but don't overreact, expert advises: Internet safety. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Spicer, T. (2009).
Bullies have found a new gateway to evil. The Dialy Telegraph, 25. Retrieved July 21, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Teen's death highlights cyber bullying trend. (2009). ABC Premium News. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

West, P. (2009).
Cyber Bullying Affects One in 10 Students. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from http://www.mercybehavioral.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=news&id=120154&cn=28

Concept #17 The impact of text-based real-time chat

“You might think that, with the widespread availability of telephones, an internet-based system of real-time communication involving the typing of text messages would be hardly used, or at least, of little relevance. You would be wrong. Real-time internet-based text chat is a significant part of contemporary internet use. The question then to be asked is: what is the difference here that makes this mode of communication popular; and then what impact does it have of the kinds of communication and social interaction that take place?” (Allen et al. n.d.)

Instant messaging (IM)
, the text-based real-time chat is one of the increasingly fastest online communication technologies and allows real-time interaction thought computer or mobile. They are MSN, ICQ, AOL Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and many more like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Microsoft Live Communication Server 2005 and IBM Lotus Instant Messaging for corporate company and the users are growing phenomenon stronger and stronger every day.

IM can be use between two and more people, they can join group for conversation, sending files, chatting or massaging. There are many different user groups, from teenager, business person, to elder people to communicate in cyber space or far-off places. The reason that IM becomes so popular beside the element of the basic communication tools the most important is real-time communication. IM is very different from email, you don’t have to worry how long is the person going to take to reply you the important email, and it might take few minutes to 1 day to get the answer. IM is on real-time, whenever the person you wish to talk is online, your message will reach them immediately.

The technology changed everyday therefore text-based IM have changed from typed text to more variety like sending images, audio and video files and others come with attachments and video conference.
Skype is one of the latest and most popular so far, but the service is chargeable for making call but it is cheap, the rest of the service is free like sending images, audios, videos and files. Therefore Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL and Apple considered video and voice call is the important part for IM. IM is so popular that everyone thinks is the new black of the latest trendy online communication tools, especially for the new generation most of them are teenagers and office workers. According to the report from Micheal Osterman said more than 80 percent of company are using IM and email becoming state of the art.

IM is a great way to communicate; you can use it to contact your families, friends, and colleagues for personal or business purpose. Most of them are teenagers and young adults; they use it for studies, doing home works, exchange information, keeping up with friends.

examples show that students use IM for last minute like homework, presentation and research. They have try to email but it taking too long to response and they do not have much time, therefore IM is the faster way, as long as the person online they can reach them immediately. Same thing happen in some corporate company, some of the manager use IM to educate their staff, feedback of the work and meeting.

IM increasingly use by many company, businessman or corporate company, it help them save money for long distance call, also can send messages, chat, video conferencing or sending files to each other. Some of the company already start to use IM in the office as their daily communication tools to internal stuffs or external clients instead of installing expensive phone system in the company. The function same as phone system, you can reach the person instantly in same or different offices or anywhere around the world.


Site 1:
The impact of the chat: A brief literature review

This article provides a good description of the communication. It said that internet communication getting more popular then mobile and email, people communicate for work and non for work purposes, communicate help them to feel good about themselves. User communicate with other people without afraid of who they are and there is no limitation of the topic, it can be their same interest, therefore communication help them to improve their life to be more happier than ever. However there is also a bad thing about people who use fake identities to communicate with other and this behaviour make them very hard to switch back to their real identity.

The impact of the chat: A brief literature review. (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2009, from http://cm058.k12.sd.us/portfolio/key5/the%20Impact%20of%20The%20Chat_lit%20review.doc

Site 2:
Why real-time text?

The answer for real-time text is voice telephony, other like SMS, MMS and email are message based system, and instant messaging are between both of them. This article also mentions about deaf and hearing problem people, they used variety communication systems but it really depends on what is suitable for them well. They need to communicate not just limit to the deaf people only, they also need to communicate with the world and other people too. Although they limited to some text based or character by character communication tools but such as SMS or instant messaging is not enough for them so they have to use voice telephony.

Why real-time text? (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2009, from http://www.ictrnid.org.uk/whyrtt.html


Allen, M., et al. (n.d.).
Concept #17 The impact of text-based real-time chat. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved July 21, 2009, from http://lms.curtin.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jspcourse_id=_18825_1&content_id=_985239_1

Email etiquette. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2009, from http://www.emailreplies.com/

Instant Messaging At Work. (2005). Career World 33(4), 4. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Internet-based Communications. (2005). Retrieved July 21, 2009, from http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Internet/2005/internet_communications.asp

Patil, S., and Kobsa, A. (n.d.).
Instant messaging and privacy. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from http://www.ics.uci.edu/~kobsa/papers/2004-HCI-kobsa.pdf

Strom, D. (2006).
I.M. Generation Is Changing the Way Business Talks. New York Times, G.4. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.

Text-based chat is very small talk. (2004). Retrieved July 22, 2009, from http://www.shorewalker.com/section4/chat_disappoints.html

7 Things You Should Know About Instant Messaging. (2005). Retrieved July 22, 2009, from http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKnowAboutInsta/156811

Concept #18 Non-speech communication through text: audience and authors' responsibilities

“… the responsibility for effective chatting lies not merely with the author of a particular comment, but with its audience. In other words, if IRC is to be rich and valuable as a form of communication (and it can be), then both those saying things and those reading them must share the tasks of making it so. If they do so, then text chat can function very well as a different form of communication, with its own strengths and weaknesses and not merely as a 'lesser' version of something else.” (Allen et al. n.d.)

Text-based communications sometimes can be very boring and dull, because you can only read the text and without seeing and knowing the expression of the body language of the person who sending you a message. It doesn’t really matter from email, SMS, Facebook or any other text-based communication programs. No one can see you laugh, feeling sad, wink, scream, happy etc when you talk or chat to someone over the cyberspace.

Text-based communications sometimes can be very boring and dull, because you can only read the text and without seeing and knowing the expression of the body language of the person who sending you a message. It doesn’t really matter from email, SMS, Facebook or any other text-based communication programs. No one can see you laugh, feeling sad, wink, scream, happy etc when you talk or chat to someone over the cyberspace.

Imagine how do you convey all the messages to someone through the texts from your feeling and expression? Can the words really express it and tell the story? Can the reader really understand your felling when he or she reading your messages? Who should take such a responsibility to make the audiences to understand what you trying to say? Have you ever tried to describe something and you cannot find any words to explain to it? There are millions of words we can use, but it just not always works all the time. Sometimes you just have to mix the texts with some visual or symbol to make it clearer.

That is why people have come out some very simple emotion icons or called
emoticons or smileys to help us to express our feelings through the texts. Without any of these smileys and emoticons symbol text-based communications programs can be very boring to read. Emoticons or smileys does really help to add some spark into texts and it also label as the mood of the words from many writers over cyberspace. You just have to tilt your head to one side to see the expression and feel it. It also helps to cut short of the sentence from instance messaging, SMS, and other text-based communications programs, therefore you don’t really have to type so many texts especially on SMS.

The most common emoticons or smileys symbols are
smiley face :-) and frowny face :-(, you probably can see it every day from your email, SMS and any other text-based communication programs and there are many of more of them. Beside emoticons or smileys, acronym is also very important to our daily typing on any text-based communication programs like email, Facebook or MSN etc, because it helps us to shorten the unnecessary long texts to just few words, it also helping slow typers and disabilities to type more efficiency and faster. For example the most common are LOL, it mean laughing out loud or lots of luck.

Never ever over express your feeling by typing
all caps on any text-based communication programs because it mean you are SHOUTING TO THE PERSON. This is definitely not a creative way to express your feeling and it may interpret misunderstanding message to the reader. Therefore we have to be very careful of what we try to say over the text-based communication programs, because nobody can really see your expression, whatever you said may be mislead the reader to misunderstanding of something else.


Site 1
Use Smileys to Add Emotions to Your Emails

Nobody can see your expression or listen to your voice when you reading an email, it does the same to the person who write you the email too, both are definitely not sure the reaction of both side writing and reading the email. Sometime it may lost or missing the true meaning of what you really trying to tell. It also very difficult to express your emotions through the words, therefore, smiles and emoticons symbols are helping us to express our feeling on any text-based communication tools.

Sometime adding in the emoticons symbols will helps the message easier to understand. ;-).

Tschabitscher, H. (n.d.).
Use smileys to add emotions to your emails. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from http://email.about.com/cs/smileysacronyms/a/smiley_emotion.htm

Site 2
Happy in the East ( -- ) or Smiling :-) in the West

Mr. Furuse said to his employee “If you tilt your head, you will see the face'', this is refereeing to the smiley emoticons :-) which recognized by most westerner, but Japanese think that’s difficult to understand. So that some of the Japanese users come out their own version of emoticons, it read right side up instead of usual sideway. Japanese don’t usually use sadness or anger emoticons just to avoid unnecessary misunderstood to others Japanese. Since that’s no curl upward in any of the computer keyboard, the smiley emoticons in Japanese looks like this ( -- ) sometimes ( o ) shows a character with arms raised and cheer.

Andrew, P. (1996).
Happy in the East ( -- ) or Smiling :-) in the West. New York Times, D.5. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from ProQuest LLC.


Allen, M., et al. (n.d.).
Concept #18 Non-speech communication through text: audience and authors' responsibilities. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from http://lms.curtin.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_18825_1&content_id=_985239_1

Emoticons, Chat Abbreviations and Avatars. (n.d.). Retrieved July 26, 2009, from http://www.adultstudent.com/student/emoticons.html

Fahlman, S. E. (n.d.).
Smiley Lore :-). Retrieved July 26, 2009, from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/sefSmiley.htm

Gil, P. (n.d.).
Emoticons and Smileys 101. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from http://netforbeginners.about.com/cs/netiquette101/a/bl_emoticons101_5.htm

Marks, T. (2004).
Recommended Emoticons for Email Communication For AIM, AOL, MSN, Yahoo and Others. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from http://www.windweaver.com/emoticon.htm

The NetLingo List of Acronyms & Text Message Shorthand. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2009, from http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php

What is an Acronym? (2009). Retrieved July 26, 2009, from http://www.disabled-world.com/communication/text-shortcuts.php

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