Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Module 1 - Internet Tools

Record your outcome and reflections of your experiences and thoughts on this task in your learning log (Allen et al. n.d.)

I have try
CentralOps, and IPNetMonitorX, because I don't really know what are the trace route, hop and milliseconds... So I have to compare and learn it, and the result came out quite different.

The result for are 18 hops with 4 time outs, the average time will be 267ms and the IP address is
The result for network tools are 17 hops with 5 time outs, the average time will be 298ms and the IP address same as above, which is (of course : ) ).

I also try to use this program to test. The result for IPNetMonitorX are 10 hops with 4 time outs, the average time will be 29ms (0.029 seconds) and the IP address same.

So it is very obvious that if I used trace route through internet it will take longer time to process and the program that I install into my computer (free trial) will be much more faster time, because it did not have to go through so many process.

Further Exploration

Record your outcome and reflections of your experiences and thoughts on this task in your learning log (Allen et al. n.d.)

The original link not available from
Mac: IPNet Monitor, so I found another one IPNet MonitorX instead. It is a latest version and free to try to.

After comparing with the net tools site, surprisingly the install version (IPNetMonitorX) is much more faster then the net tools site. The average result is 0.025 seconds, which mean 25 milliseconds from IPNetMonitorX. Net tools site average time over 10 pings is 302.4 milliseconds = 0.3024 seconds.

The reason would be Curtin Blackboard (located in Perth) and computer (located in Geraldton) are physically close to each (both located in Australia) and the net tools site located in Oversea, so the closer would be the faster.

After trace route and compare to both of the hops, IPNetMonitorX came with 6 hops and the original net tools site is 12 hops.

The differences observations are the hops lesser and the timing faster. Because of IPNetMonitorX directly go through router and search then come back directly. If using Net tools site for search, it will be go to net tools site then to server and search then come back through server again then come back to computer. Which mean more process and taking longer time to do it.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 1 introduction to Internet Communications. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved June 17, 2009, from

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