Sunday, June 28, 2009

Module 2 - Lists Tasks

What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards?
Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other? (Allen et al. n.d.)

Honestly I never use email lists and discussion board before. The reason why I never use both of them because I think is boring and it is taking to long to get the answer or you might never get a answer. But I do use discussion board now because of my studies and I totally change my mind after using discuss board. It is actually quite good, you do get your answer, many people contribute to help and exchange some information and ideas.

Email lists and discuss board look quite the same to me but actually they are 2 different communication tools. I have tried to play around with some Yahoo! Groups. Some of them quite active and some of them are outdated, it is depend on what topics and some of them request to join and some don't. The email list to me look like a group of people are interested in the same topic by contribute the answers or asking questions. Actually it is kind of same as the discuss board, some people posting and some people receiving post from the thread. Both of them are open to public discussion for the topic they like.


Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 2 Communicating in the Infosphere. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved June 28, 2009, from

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