Sunday, August 16, 2009

Module 5 – Info-Communication Concepts

Piracy is Good?

After reading the articles and the YouTube of “Piracy is Good?” I realise the winner always on the viewer’s side, they have a choice of watching from TV (for free) or downloading from internet (for free) like using BitTorrent or other downloading programs.

The problem is people have too many choice or way of getting piracy stuff from internet or pirated DVD etc. I still remember when I first come to Australia to study during 90s and some of the movies showing few months later I was watching from the cinema from where I am from.

When I am settling down later in Australia I guess I know why. It is all about piracy, some of the movies and TV programs showing so late in Australia because I believe the piracy here weren’t as bad as Asia and US, therefore they can hold it for a while. I am from Asia so I know how bad it is and I guess whoever been to Asia country for holiday I am pretty sure you will see the pirated DVD movies or TV programs selling everywhere and cheap, some of the quality is much better than the original DVD. Sometime you may be able to get the latest movie from pirated DVD before it show on cinema.

This happen back then, but now we all talk about downloading from internet. The same things happen like you can watch the latest movie or TV program right after it finish from the other country, you just have to search it from internet and you will be able to download it, how convenience!

Piracy not just limited on movies and TV programs, it actually happens to musics and softwares. Now a day movies can’t just rely on the box office they have to depend on other merchandising like games, toys, books, and sponsors etc. to make more money. TV programs can’t rely on TV commercial too much; they are getting a new way of injecting the new idea on TV screen like watermark of the company or product on screen, the reason is people may download the program instead of watch from TV; therefore they can fast forward the commercial. According to the “Piracy is Good” from YouTube and the articles, they are downloading to watch whenever and wherever on any devices they want, they are not limited themselves only to TV.

Music industrial having the same problem, they are too many way of getting the song from internet. You can choose to download a whole album or pick any song you like to download. Singers and the music company making less money from the album, so they have to do touring around the world of making more money from the fans, sponsors etc. You also can find the full version of softwares to download from internet for free instead of paying few hundred to few thousand just to get one copy. Technology changes very often so that people prefer to download it for personal use. However software industrial maybe the one less impact for the piracy because many of the company will prefer to use original then pirated, in term of less problem of the software and legal issue.

The technology of BitTorrent is one the best invention to sharing files around the world, but it just happen for the people to use it for piracy purpose. This definitely is good for people who downloading files from internet for free and sure not good for the company who spend millions and million to make it and develop it. The bigger question is when will piracy end or it will be never end? I guess we still have a very long way to go and find out.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 5: Info-Communication Concepts. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from

Pesce, M. (2005). Piracy is Good? How Battlestar Galactica Killed Broadcast TV. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from

Pesce, M. (2005). Piracy is Good? The New laws of Television. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from

Piracy is Good? (2007). YouTube. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Module 4 – Evaluating the Web

Choose your best 'source' or site from the three you used in the last task, then evaluate it according to the tutorial Ohio SU net.Tutor.

Record your annotation in your learning log. (Allen et al. n.d.)

I believe most of the people will choose an article to do this task unfortunately I am not. I choose this consider my best source because “movie database” is not an article, it is actually a database of all the movies from pass to the latest. As I said before from the previous task I have try quite many of the movies from this database and it actually have all the information, which is why I decided to give it a try for using this “movie database” for this task.


This is quite a reliable site for all the movie lovers, it contain not just the latest movie it also have many old and classic movie like “Monkeyshines No. 1” from 1890. This web site is actually very informative about the movie, it gives you all the information about the director, writer, actor and actress, release date, plot, under what movie category, runtime, which country from, language and many more. You can actually click and find out more about the director or anything you are interest in. This site kind a provided almost everything like selling DVD, message board for fans, the latest of TV and movie news, top box-office earn, photo gallery etc. This web site definitely fulfils net. Tutor's
6 main key points, like purpose, author, content, coverage, currency, and recognition. It also mentions more than 57 million movie and TV lover visited every month, I believe this web site not only for movie or TV lovers it is actually for anyone who like to do some research about the movie or TV program.

The Internet Movie Database. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2009, from

in terms of your own future use, which 'body ' of information (ie. the original 'snapshot' of the site, or your own, annotated, analytical version) would be most useful to refer back to? (Allen et al. n.d.)

I would say the annotated analytical version would be better than snapshot. To be honest the design of the web site not so good, it may not drawn people attention to look at it. Therefore annotated analytical version sure will be the best summary of this web site, because it tell you more of the web site then the snapshot.

In term of external users (i.e. if you included this site as a hyperlink or resource on a website) which body of information would best help them judge if the site was useful or of interest to them? (Allen et al. n.d.)

Same again and I still believe the annotated analytical version would be more useful for the external user. It gives them quick and short summary write-up what is all about the web site, which I don’t think the snapshot would be able to achieve that. My annotation gives them more information than just look at the snapshot, although visual may draw people attention than words, but I don’t think is happen to this web site.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 4: Using the infosphere: taking & organising. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 12, 2009, from

Module 4 – Organising search information task

Choose the best three sources found in the previous task. Using whatever software or tool you think appropriate, record the following information about those sites:
· URL.
· author,
· institution,
· blurb/ summary / screen shot

Record this information in your learning log, and also detail how you saved this information, what software you used and why. (Allen et al. n.d.)

URL 1:
Author: IMDb (The Internet Movie Database)
Blurb/Summary/Screenshot: This web site is the most popular movie database according to the search engine. It gives you all the information about the movies such as the directors, writers, release date, plot, casting, posters etc. You also can buy DVD, read the latest news of movies and go to official sites and watch the trailers.

URL 2:
Author: Macrovision Corporation
Institute: Macrovision Corporation
Blurb/Summary/Screenshot: This web site is quite the same as the IMDb website, but it give you more choice like you can link to music and game. So you can search all types of movie, music and game from this site.

URL 3:
Author: Chinese Movie Database
Institute: Chinese Movie Database
Blurb/Summary/Screenshot: This is Chinese movie database web site; it provided all the Chinese movies information mainly from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and some other Asia country. You can get the latest DVD from the site, check out the movie awards, news of the latest movies and etc.

I have decided to use word document to save all my information, the reason is convenience for me. I put all the information into my USB and I can bring it to anywhere and I can do it anytime I want. Actually I did this for all my tasks, I type in all the information into word document and saved it accordingly to the module and task, so it is organised and easy for me to refer with. I do the same for the entire screen shot as well, whenever I look for the document file the screen shot will next to it. When I finish the task I just have to copy and paste into blog instead of typing in straight from blog, which I find it quite difficult for me to read sometimes.

You may think why not use software or tool to do the job for you? I did and I have all the information on my laptop, too bad I do not carry my laptop around because I don’t think is convenience and it actually quite heavy too. I also pdf all the module and articles I have read from module and save it into module folder, so I can bring it around with me and I can read it wherever I want.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 4: Using the infosphere: taking & organising. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 11, 2009, from

Module 4 – Boolean searching task

Boolean searching task

Taking the same key words of your last search, think about how you would best search for the following:
· the biggest number of hits relating to these key words
· information most relevant to what you ACTUALLY wanted to look for!
· information coming only from university sources

Discuss your strategies with the class and record the exact search terms you used in your learning log. (Allen et al. n.d.)

I heard and I have tried to use “OR” and “AND” to search some keyword on Internet before, but I never heard of “NOT”. After study Boolean’s “Boolean Searching on the Internet”, I try to include “NOT” into my “Movie Database” searching from Google and Yahoo and the result are not much different.

The hits result for Google search are:

The hits result for Yahoo search are:

Actually I was expected there will be quite different in between the search of “OR”, “AND” and “NOT” for the “Movie database”. Unfortunately the result returns quite the same from Google and Yahoo. The search from Yahoo is much more then Google. The biggest hits from Google are 132,000,000 and 233,000,000 for Yahoo.

I guess “Movie database” is quite limited on internet, therefore the results are consider similar and no big different. The result I got back from Google and Yahoo are the same, the majority are from “The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)” I guess non of the movie database is bigger than this web site, thus whoever are looking for movie data it will be direct to this web site. I have been try to search quite many movies from this site and it actually have all of them, so I believe this will be the best choice of searching movies from the old to latest movies.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 4: Using the infosphere: taking & organising. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from

Module 4 – Search engine task

What to do

1. Choose your most commonly used internet search engine and do a search with words of your choosing.

Record the first hit and number of hits in your learning log (Allen et al. n.d.)

The most commonly used search engine for me will be Google and my search topic is “Movie Database”. The result return 1 - 10 of about 115,000,000 for Movie database
. (0.29 seconds).

2. Using copernicus or similar, set it up to search at least three search engines (including one that will search the 'deep web') and repeat eactly the same search

Record the number of hits in your learning log, and compare to your first
search. What differences did you notice? Why? Which search, on first
glance gave you the most promising results? (Allen et al. n.d.)

I continued to use the same word “Movie Database” to search for it. The result for Google showed above, this time I try Sherlock from my Mac OSX 10.4 to compare with Google and see how different the result is.

The search result from Sherlock was 33. Obviously the first thing I notice was the number of results it is huge different compared with Google. The result not really surprise me, I knew it will be big different but I just want to try and experience it.
Apparently Google gave the most promising result for this search. It could be Google is a search engine and go further for searching than Sherlock, and Sherlock is not really a search engine therefore the result is so difference.

3. Save at least the first 5 hits of both searches. search


Sherlock search

3. h ttp://


Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 4: Using the infosphere: taking & organising. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from

Module 4 –Downloading tools / plug-ins Task

What to do

Below are a list of suggested programs that may be of use in assignment 1: Try downloading at least two unfamiliar programs (if you do not already have them: for those who have most or all, offer alternatives, or make sure you have the most up-to-date copy). Find out what the programs offer and spend a bit of time familiarising yourself with their operation (do not spend too much time on this, as some of these programs will be utilised in later tasks).


In your learning log record which programs you downloaded and note which (if any) facets you think might prove useful. (Allen et al. n.d.)

Media Players - Real Player 11

I am a Mac user so Quicktime player will be my first choice for playing all the video files, I do install Windows Media Player too because some of the video files need to be open from Windows Media Player and both of them are the most common video players. I have to say that I have never use Real Player before but I do see some of my friend has it and I don’t see any different so I did not install on my computer.

Real Player 11 is the latest version therefore I choose to install it and try for this task. The design of Real Player 11 seems like not much different with Quicktime Player and the interface look nicer than Windows Media Player. I guess Real Player doesn’t like my laptop or my laptop is too old for latest version of Real Player. When I play the video file it will pause for few second, and I get to listen the sound first but not the video. So I thought my computer is running out of memory therefore I restart my laptop and try it again.

After restart my laptop the first thing I open Real Player again and player the same video file and it happen again. I think this could be the file problem so I try the other video file. This time it run better then previous file but it still the same it pause and I get to listen the sound before I can see the video.

I know my laptop is bit old but it doesn’t really happen for the Quicktime and Window Media Player. Actually I think Real Player is quite user friendly to me, and it also play many types of files like mpeg, avi etc, but it just not working for my laptop and luckily I didn’t set it as default player. Therefore I don’t really know what actual happen for the Real Player in my laptop, maybe is time for me to get the new laptop and maybe it will run smoother I guess.

Search Manager/Combiners - Sherlock

I guess most of the Mac user will use it at least once since it is so popular last time. It is a big hit when it just started I guess it was so advance on that time and now there are many competitors out there and Apple focus on more making money then this searching tool, therefore it became unpopular this day. I personally don’t really use Sherlock because I don’t really find it useful for me and I almost forgot about this program on my Mac.

I also do not know Sherlock no longer exist on Mac OSX 10.5 system until I heard from my classmate. I did not read or heard any news from Mac or anywhere on internet it mention Sherlock is no more, but I do know my Mac OSX 10.4 have a similar program call Spotlight, which I don’t really use it as well. I guess both of them are quite similar function.

Sherlock was introduced in early Mac OS 8 (if I am not wrong) as a tool for searching the contents of your computer as well as It helps you search for books, music, movies, electronics, news, look up email addresses, and shop on the Internet etc. You can also select channels to focus your Internet search too.

I have tried to use Sherlock to search ‘Movie Database’ see what the outcome is, and the results telling me Sherlock definitely can’t compare with Google because the results is huge different.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 4: Using the infosphere: taking & organising. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from

Real Player 11. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2009, from

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Module 3 - Web 2.0

what do you think are the differences between the two? what are the benefits? which format do you think you would like better and why? (Allen et al. n.d.)

I personally like Diigo web site more than HTML version, I find it easy to look at and comfortable to read and understand between the headings, sub-headings and the information. Diigo is more user friendly web site compare to HTML version, the way the Diigo presented look very neat and organised, the structure and format are easy to focus on and much faster to find what you looking for.

The reasons I find HTML version are difficult for me to look at are the colour and the structure. HTML version page contain blue colour headings, black sub-headings and white colour background which is very hard to read. The structure from top all the way down to bottom are the same, let’s imagine this HTML version contain more than thousand of information, will you still continue to search what you looking from top to bottom? To me HTML version is very hard to focus especially on wide screen. HTML version should have bold the headings, larger some font and put some spacing in between the paragraph, I believe it will be much better. Over all HTML page is quite user friendly because it is simple web page with headings and sub-headings, the only thing is difficult to focus to look and read.

I have try to print on paper to compare the Diigo and HTML version and I found that Diigo remain the same as easy to look at and surprisingly HTML version is much more easy to read and look at from the print out instead of reading from the screen. This could be my personal reference but I do prefer to read HTML version from print out, al thought everything same from the screen but print version more easy to focus to read in between the headings and sub-headings.

You can found dates, bookmarks, annotations and much more from Diigo and these are very important for people to find out what they want. HTML version have nothing at all, therefore you won’t know the article you reading is up-to-date or long time ago.

Allen, M., et al. (n.d.). Module 3 Contributing to the Infosphere. Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

Net11 Internet Communications’s Bookmarks. (2009). DiigoV3 beta. Retrieved August 9, 2009, from

Net 11. (n.d.). Retrieved August 9, 2009, from